Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have found themselves getting bashed for the way they’ve lived life since Megxit, and its come in the form of a cover story by the Vanity Fair for their February issue.
Royal commentator Daniela Elser referenced it all in her piece for News.com. au.
Everything started with the expert saying, “The Roman Empire? It lasted 449 years.”
But “the House of Sussex? Less than five years after Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex touched down in Los Angeles to boldly go where no HRH had gone before and things are coming down around their ears.”
And the ‘culprit’ as Ms Elser calls it, is Vanity Fair’s February story about the Sussexes, and their past run-ins with Hollywood producers, employees, a streaming giant, and the like.
One aspect that sparked global outburst was accusations against Meghan for being a ‘mean girl’ who’d spark an employee’s need for “long-term therapy” after ending their employment, to Prince Harry who was “painted as a bit of a pathetic man-child”.
This however, wasn’t branded the most devastating line though because for the expert believes the fact that the writer admits to spending ‘months’ interviewing “dozens of people who have worked with and lived alongside the couple” is what does it, since that makes it more than a tabloid hit piece.
In the eyes of Ms Elser, “Nor can this report be written off as the supposedly biased work of the British press with their perma-axe to grind against Crown Inc’s self-styled refugees.”
What it is, is that “the Vanity Fair name brings with it a degree of journalistic credibility.”
Because before the “piece went to print it would likely have been scrupulously fact-checked by experienced sub-editors and the publication’s legal team would have gone over this with a fine-tooth comb and a big red pen,” she admitted before concluding.