Wendy Williams’ dementia diagnosis has taken a severe turn, says her care taker.
The American TV show host’s health is decaying as her legal guardian. Sabrina E. Morrissey, claims that Williams has become “cognitively impaired, permanently disabled and legally incapacitated.”
In new documents obtained by PEOPLE, Wendy notes: “This case arises from the brutally calculated, deliberate actions of powerful and cravenly opportunistic media companies working together with a producer to knowingly exploit [Williams].”
Williams has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia.
“FTD is a progressive disease, meaning that there is no cure and the symptoms only get worse over time.”
Williams’ caretaker goes on to claim that media companies behind the series “filmed without a valid contract and released without Guardian’s consent.” It also claims that Williams was in a “highly vulnerable” state and she was “clearly incapable of consenting to being filmed, much less humiliated and exploited.”