Secretary Education Reviews Progress Of Fazlehaq College Mardan

Secretary Education Reviews Progress Of Fazlehaq College Mardan

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 25th Sep, 2024) The Secretary of Elementary and Secondary education, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Mr. Masood Ahmad, visited The Fazlehaq College Mardan to inspect the ongoing developmental projects at the institution. During his visit, he also visited a book fair organized by the college.

He expressed satisfaction with the students’ active participation in reading activities and praised the college for promoting intellectual growth and fostering a reading culture among students.

Professor Jehan Zeb, Principal of The Fazlehaq College, briefed Mr.

Masood Ahmad on the various developmental measures taken to uplift the standards of the institution. The briefing included key improvements in administration, security, and academic performance. Mr. Masood Ahmad appreciated the efforts of the Principal and the college administration, encouraging them to continue working collaboratively for the further advancement of the institution.

Mr. Masood Ahmad assured the college of his full support in all future endeavors and emphasized the importance of maintaining high standards in both academic and infrastructural development.

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