School Counselors Being Made Active: DC

School Counselors Being Made Active: DC

SIALKOT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 6th Nov, 2024) Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Zulqarnain on Wednesday reviewed activities and development

work of health and school councils.

He said that the schools council of the district had completed several projects

for providing missing facilities, including the construction of additional rooms with the support

of philanthropists.

He said that the school counselor had ensured the provision of eight additional classrooms, three

deep water bores, two filtration plants, two water coolers, one school with four walls besides

providing furniture, fans and lights.

Later on, DC Zulqarnain, in a meeting, directed price control magistrates to inspect marriage halls

regularly and strictly follow the one dish and working hours.

The deputy commissioner reviewed the ‘Key Performance Indicators’ and directed the officers

to improve quality of departmental services by following the guidelines given by

the Punjab government.

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