SAFWCO Group Celebrates 78th Independence Day Of Pakistan

SAFWCO Group Celebrates 78th Independence Day Of Pakistan

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 14th Aug, 2024) SAFWCO Group here on Wednesday organized a function on the occasion of 78th Independence Day of Pakistan at SAFWCO Head Office, which was attended by key employees of Sindh Agriculture and Forestry Workers Coordinating Organization (SAFWCO), SAFCO Support Foundation and SAFCO Microfinance Company.

Speaking at the event, founder of SAFWCO Suleman G. Abro said that 65 percent of Pakistan’s population consists of youth, which was a great fortune for the country, however these youth could fulfill our expectations if they were equipped with modern technology.

Suleman G. Abro urged governments to set up industries, create employment opportunities, which would pave the way for development

The founder of SAFWCO said that we believed that one’s individual prosperity promotes the collective prosperity of the country, the activities and achievements of the SAFWCO Group for the economic betterment of the people are actually the achievements of the country.

Rameez Iqbal Memon, Harish Kumar, Aleena Maria, Mufti Arsalan, Wajid Hussain, Akhtar Mullah, Naveed Memon, Jai Prakash, Sarang Sheedi, Absar Abro, Iqra Shoaib and others also spoke on this occasion.

At the end of the ceremony, the independence celebration cake was cut.

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