RWMC Set Up Cleanliness Awareness Camp At Commercial Market

RWMC Set Up Cleanliness Awareness Camp At Commercial Market

The Rawalpindi Waste Management Company(RWMC) on Wednesday organized a camp in the area of Commercial Market, Satellite town to create awareness among the masses about the importance of cleanliness and prevention of dengue

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 21st Aug, 2024) The Rawalpindi Waste Management Company(RWMC) on Wednesday organized a camp in the area of Commercial Market, Satellite town to create awareness among the masses about the importance of cleanliness and prevention of dengue.

According to a RWMC spokesman, the communication and social mobilization team of RWMC distributed pamphlets about the importance and effectiveness of cleanliness and the hazards of dengue.

The spokesman called upon the residents to leave no place wet or with stagnant water and keep an eye on junkyards, schools, under-construction buildings, and other sites that might contribute to spreading dengue larvae.

Furthermore, he appealed to the citizens to cooperate with the sanitation staff to keep the city clean. He urged the residents to throw garbage in waste containers and avoid dumping it on roads, drains and open plots. In addition, they were asked to prevent burning chemicals and waste in the city. In case of any cleanliness-related complaint, the citizens were advised to contact the helpline number 1139.

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