Rs. 4m Fine Imposed On Shopkeepers In Lodhran

Rs. 4m Fine Imposed On Shopkeepers In Lodhran

LODHRAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 19th Oct, 2024) The special price control magistrates conducted crackdown on elements involved in profiteering and hoarding across the district and imposed Rs. 4 million fine on shopkeepers in the current month so far.

According to a report released by the district administration, 731 shopkeepers involved in overpricing, hoarding and profiteering were imposed fine.

Also, 163 individuals were arrested for violating the Price Control Act, with one FIR registered during the current month of October so far.

The magistrates conducted more than 7,000 inspections across various markets in the district, uncovering 4,431 violations related to pricing irregularities.

Last month, in September, under the guidance of DC Abdul Rauf Mehr, the magistrates imposed Rs. 4.2 million in fines on profiteers.

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