Rescue 1122 Murree Gears Up For Winter Season

Rescue 1122 Murree Gears Up For Winter Season

MURREE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 8th Dec, 2024) As the winter season sets in, Rescue 1122 Murree is taking proactive measures to ensure public safety.

According to the District Emergency Officer, personnel from Rescue 1122 Murree are diligently following the emergency cover plan, designed to respond promptly to any emergency situation.

The emergency plan includes the strategic deployment of rescue personnel and emergency vehicles at key locations, such as Bypass Road, Pindi Point, Chhara Pani RMK Road, Satra Mile Expressway, New Murree, Jehkagali Road, Kalimati Barian Road, Osiah Upper Deol Road, Ghoraa Gali, Chhatar GT Road, Bhurban, Wildlife Park Bansara Gali, Salgran Valley Park and Mangah Expressway. 

Rescue 1122 Murree has allocated significant resources to ensure a robust emergency response, including 16 emergency ambulances, 6 fire vehicles, 2 rescue vehicles, 20 rescue bikes, and 250 trained personnel. 


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