Prince Harry has just been handed a major warning to ‘grow up’ because the ‘clock is ticking’.
Comments of this nature towards the Duke have been shared by royal commentator and author Sarah Vine.
She weighed in on things during one of her most recent pieces for The Daily Mail.
She began her accusations against the royals by bashing Prince Harry’s childishness, despite turning 40 this year.
In the eyes of Ms Vine, “By 40, there are no more excuses: whatever road you are on, whatever your successes or failures, they’re all down to you.”
“Life at 40 is your own responsibility, your own making,” she admitted.
Not to mention it takes away any chance to blame ones “Mum or Dad for f****** you up, as the poet once said, or hiding behind youthful inexperience.”
Prior to signing off she also doubled down on her clapback against Harry and said, “also, no more faffing around: you’re more than halfway through your three-score years and ten. Chop, chop: clock is ticking.”