Prince Harry is backing away from Meghan Markle completely

Prince Harry is backing away from Meghan Markle completely

Prince Harry is backing away from Meghan Markle completely

Prince Harry’s lacking screen time and apparent glum outlook has just been exposed by experts.

The conversation began between royal commentators Dan Wootton and Ms Angela Levin on the Dan Wootton program.

In this chat Ms Levin was the first to point out the Duke’s apparent unease and said, “Harry […] looks so unhappy, the face has absolutely got no expression on” while Meghan Markle talked about her past suicidal ideations during the CBS Mornings interview.

“And he just looks at a complete loss,” she also said before adding how “He is really lost at the moment I think.”

Mr Wooton responded to these observations by offering his own two cents and pointed out how “he felt so distant from her [Meghan].”

Because “he was almost backing away,” during the chat “and it was interesting to me that Jane Pauley [the interview’s host] immediately noticed that Meghan put her hand on Harry’s knee, but he didn’t comment to provide any sort of support.”

“He basically let her take it” all Ms Wootton prior to signing off from it all.

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