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Prince Andrew sparks another fear for the Royal Family after Virginia Giuffre

Prince Andrew sparks another fear for the Royal Family after Virginia Giuffre

Prince Andrew sparks another fear for the Royal Family after Virginia Giuffre
Prince Andrew sparks another fear for the Royal Family after Virginia Giuffre

Experts believe the Royal Family has a brand new fear on their hands and its all related to Prince Andrew and his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson.

Everything has been broken down by royal commentator Andrew Lownie.

In one of his chats with the Mail Online Mr Lownie explained how ‘safe’ Prince Andrew is for the Firm and started off by saying, “There have long been rumours that Andrew might write a book, and various collaborators have been suggested, but I think it is very unlikely.”

“Andrew is loyal to the institution and knows it would impact his daughters and their position within the Royal Family.”

“He also has no wish to be in the limelight,” Mr Lownie admitted.

But “That is not to say that a broader book on the Royal Family ‘supportive’ of Andrew might not appear in the next few months.”

Because even though “yes he knows a lot” and “I doubt he would ever talk. He’s told them all to Fergie and she’s the real threat which is why the family are keen to keep her on side,” the commentator added before signing off. 

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