Poland Proposes Baltic Sea Policing Mission After Cables Cut

Poland Proposes Baltic Sea Policing Mission After Cables Cut

Stockholm, (APP – UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 28th Nov, 2024) Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Wednesday that he wanted to create a Baltic Sea policing mission to protect infrastructure after two Baltic Sea telecoms cables were cut last week.

Sections of two telecom cables were cut on November 17 and 18 in Swedish territorial waters of the Baltic Sea.

Swedish and Finnish police have opened investigations and European officials have said they suspect sabotage linked to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Kremlin has rejected the comments as “absurd” and “laughable”.

“We share the assessment of the security situation, including concern for critical infrastructure and strategic resources along the Baltic Sea,” Tusk said at a press conference alongside his counterparts from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Norway and Sweden.

“We need new tools and ambitious means to counter threats. This is why I propose today to create a Baltic Sea policing mission,” he said.

Tusk added that he was “really happy that my colleagues found it interesting, and we will continue our work on some details”.

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