Painting Philosophy Of Life – UrduPoint

Painting Philosophy Of Life – UrduPoint

Before drawing one’s philosophy of life, it is equally important to understand Life in bigger picture

By Fatima Tu Zahra

Before drawing one’s philosophy of life, it is equally important to understand Life in bigger picture. Life, as we all know, is LIMITED by Time and Death, riddled with distractions.We all are here for a definite period of time and then we have to transcend from this MATERIALISTIC, IMPERFECT WORLD to the SPIRITUAL, PERFECT WORLD. In this way we can define life as a “Bridge” making death inevitable with every footstep being taken by us.
We all believe in ephemeral nature of life and an inescapable reality of death.But do our actions align with this Believe ?

The title of the script is crafted to make one’s believe that it is entirely upto him to make whatever he wants to out of his life.Having figured out the essence of life, one tends to live life to its fullest.His every action draws motivation from within.Externally, he may be doing the things what others do like Exercising,(With the intent to pushing his limits) Earning, (With the purpose of investing in mental refineness) marrying (Put himself in enigmatic trials at home to face the conundrum of life ) but with a BIG WHY in his heart and mind.

This is what connects him to the core which makes him fearless.

“The fear of death follows from fear of life.A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”

He has the Magnetic orientation that shapes the decisions of his life. He creates his own certainty, Nd it PAYS to create one’s own certainty.He shows willingness to Pay as he knows that wound is the place where light enters.

On the contrary, there is another category of people who despite knowing the absolute truth (transient nature of life and inevitability of death) have dusty compass Nd get distracted.
However, I believe that they too once in life confronted with this question only to figure out that all their life struggles have lead them NOWHERE.

“Direction is so much more important than speed.Many are getting NOWHERE Fast.”

It’s horrifying to figure it out only when you’re entangled in the vortex of death.

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