Mercy Teaching Hospital Distributes Glucometers To Children With Type 1 Diabetes On World Diabetes Day

Mercy Teaching Hospital Distributes Glucometers To Children With Type 1 Diabetes On World Diabetes Day

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 15th Nov, 2024) To meaningfully observe ‘World Diabetes Day’, the Mercy Teaching Hospital Peshawar spearheaded an initiative aimed at supporting young patients living with Type 1 diabetes.

The hospital distributed free glucometers here the other day, providing children and their families with the tools needed to monitor blood glucose levels independently — a crucial step in diabetes self-management and lifelong health.

The event featured an educational session, shedding light on the unique challenges associated with Type 1 diabetes. Specialists in endocrinology and diabetes care provided insights into effective disease management, the importance of regular monitoring, and lifestyle strategies to improve quality of life.

Dr. Faheem Ullah, Assistant Prof. Endocrinology and Diabetes Department, MTH, opened the session with an overview of Type 1 diabetes, focusing on its prevalence and impact in Pakistan. He emphasized how critical lifestyle management can reduce health complications, helping patients to live healthier, longer lives despite their diagnosis.

Ms. Iqra, a nutritionist, highlighted the role of nutrition in blood sugar management, offering practical guidance on meal planning and dietary adjustments to prevent complications and support long-term health in patients with Type 1 diabetes.

Dr. Saud Khalid presented on hypoglycemia, a serious concern in Type 1 diabetes. Concluding the session, Dr. Haris, who manages his own Type 1 diabetes, shared his inspiring story, illustrating the importance of resilience, self-discipline, and a supportive healthcare network.

Mercy Teaching Hospital underscored its commitment to diabetes awareness and community health. The provision of free glucometers and the educational session have empowered children and their families with tools and knowledge to navigate their diabetes journey confidently.


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