Mohammad Ali
Published January 29, 2025 | 02:10 AM

Paris, (APP – UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 29th Jan, 2025) French President Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday that the Louvre would be “redesigned, restored and enlarged” after the director of the world’s most visited museum voiced alarm about dire conditions inside.
Standing in front of the Mona Lisa, Macron said the massive overhaul would include a “special space” for Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece and a brand-new museum entrance, as well as a ticket price hike for visitors from outside the European Union.
The president’s aides said the so-called “New Renaissance” project to turn around the Louvre was expected to cost between 700 and 800 million Euros ($730 to 830 million).
Under the new plans, the Mona Lisa — which attracts around 20,000 visitors a day — would be “independently accessible” from the rest of the museum, with a separate ticket to see it, Macron said.