Livestock Department Urges Unemployed People To Launch Animal-rearing Business

Livestock Department Urges Unemployed People To Launch Animal-rearing Business

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 22nd Aug, 2024) The Livestock Department urged unemployed people of rural areas to rear animals instead of going to cities to earn a livelihood as animal farming is a really a profitable business.

This was informed by senior official Livestock Department Dr Tanveer Kalyar to a group of farmers here on Thursday. He motivated breeders to rear animals, adding that rearing cattle would not only help farmers economically but also contribute to strengthening country’s economy.

“Livestock has a 24pc share in GDP and farmers can enhance their profit by rearing high yielding breeds. Rather than leaving your home and village to find employment in cities, it is better to stay in your village and make livestock business as a means of livelihood,” he said.

“Women can also earn by rearing poultry and sheep. The Livestock Department provides free technical assistance and vaccination facilities to animal and poultry traders,” he added.

“About 40 per cent of the local populace in Sargodha region is linked to the livestock sector. Beyond just managing daily sustenance, livestock serves as a financial lifeline during unforeseen emergencies, that can be cashed in at any moment,” he maintained.

“The country is ranked the fifth-largest milk-producing nation globally. This potential can be improved further by investing in animal genetics, where the quality of semen plays a pivotal role in enhancing animal health, and consequently, milk and meat production. On the national scale, approximately eight million individuals are engaged in cattle rearing.”

Zahoor Ahmed Qureshi, a motivated cattle farmer, said that he had started cattle farming few months ago after noticing potential in the field. He stated that he was rearing over 30 cows and it was a highly profitable business. He also urged other farmers to invest in cattle farming.

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