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Kevin Costner’s quest to stay fit revealed

Kevin Costner’s quest to stay fit revealed

Kevin Costners quest to stay fit revealed
Kevin Costner’s quest to stay fit revealed

Kevin Costner is approaching his 70th birthday fast, but sources say his beauty regime has maintained his youthfulness.

Insiders tell Life & Style that the Yellowstone star has mixed good hygiene habits with outdoor sports to shape his body to look youthful.

They noted that “he may have given in to the occasional Botox and fillers. ” However, besides this, the Oscar winner has also dialled into the grounded approach “on keeping himself fine-tuned through exercise, a healthy diet and an odd assortment of beauty rituals.”

Sources say his strong athletic habits have made him a fitter name among Hollywood fitness enthusiasts.

“He swims, he surfs, goes hiking, horseback riding,” the bird chirped to the outlet. “He indulges in the hot sauna,” which helps to “reduce wrinkles and stiffness in the joints.”

Diet is important for remaining fit, so insiders say Kevin has “embraced a low-carb diet and doing crunches.”  

In conclusion, they also claimed that he spent much on himself to look the best. “He spent money on hairstyling sessions, facials, and a snazzy new wardrobe.”

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