Katy Perry ‘stunned’ as she discovers fact about beau Orlando Bloom

Katy Perry ‘stunned’ as she discovers fact about beau Orlando Bloom

Kate Perry has reacted to a risqué new information about fiancé Orlando Bloom.

The singer, who sat for an interview on the British talk show Lorraine with Ross King, came across a confession about Bloom from the host.

“Before we start, I feel like I have a confession. I actually slept with your [fiancé] Orlando,” said King, 62, before adding, “on a plane coming back from New York.”

Perry, shocked, replied, “I love the dot, dot, dot about that.”

“He was behind me, and he tapped me on the shoulder, so there we are,” added King of Bloom.

“Okay, good. Phew,” said Perry, relieved. “Context is really key these days. So little context about everything.”

Bloom and Perry are parents to daughter Daisy Dove Bloom.

Speaking about Bloom elsewhere, Perry noted: “The more we do the work, the more we find the next level,” she further maintained. “Sometimes we get stuck and we’re like, ‘OK, well, let’s go in to do the work, and this is going to be annoying, and I don’t want to do it…’ And then we find the next level, and that’s why we’re continuing in the relationship.”

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