Jordan Condemns Incursions Into Al Aqsa Mosque, Holds Israel Responsible

Jordan Condemns Incursions Into Al Aqsa Mosque, Holds Israel Responsible

AMMAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News / WAM – 29th Dec, 2024) Jordan on Sunday condemned incursions into Al Aqsa Mosque, Haram Al-Sharif, and provocations by settlers, and held Israel, the occupying power, responsible for the violations that took place under the protection of its police, Jordan news Agency (Petra) reported.

Ministry of Foreign and Expatriate Affairs’ spokesman Sufian Al-Qudah reiterated the Kingdom’s absolute rejection of the violations of the historical and legal status quo in Jerusalem and its Islamic and Christian holy sites, calling on Israel to stop these raids and provocations, which are incited by far-right ministers in the Israeli government with the aim of imposing new facts on the ground.

Israel, the occupying power, has no sovereignty over the occupied city of Jerusalem and its Islamic and Christian holy sites, Qudah reiterated, adding that the Al Aqsa Mosque, with its entire area of 144 dunums, is a place of worship exclusively for Muslims. The Jerusalem Waqf (endowments) Department of the Jordanian Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs is the legal and sole body with jurisdiction to administer the affairs of the Al Aqsa Mosque and regulate entry to it.

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