Healthy Youth Inevitable For Social Change; Say Experts

Healthy Youth Inevitable For Social Change; Say Experts

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 26th Jan, 2025) A youth conference was organized under the Chief Minister Population Management and Family Planning Program in collaboration with the Population Welfare Department Rawalpindi and the Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi.

The conference, organized at the Arid Agriculture University was attended by Vice Chancellor Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Prof Dr Muhammad Naeem, Deputy Registrar, Prof Dr Nazia Rafique, District Officer Population Welfare Department, Shireen Sakhan, Prof Dr Shahbaz Ahmed Khan and teachers and students of various educational institutions. Addressing the youth conference, District Officer Population Welfare Department Rawalpindi Shireen Sakhan said that the population is increasing rapidly in Pakistan, the balance between resources and population is the guarantee of family prosperity.

“We have to bring about a positive change in our attitudes, since only healthy children can play a positive role in the society”, she said. Prof Dr Shahbaz Ahmed Khan said in his address underlined the need to have a comprehensive discussion on the issue of balance between resources and population. “In this regard, the initiatives like holding of the ‘youth conference’ will play an important role in providing awareness”, he added.

Other speakers in their addresses stressed that the role of a healthy mother is the most important in developing a healthy society. They opined that the youth conference would increase awareness among people.

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