MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 9th Mar, 2025) City’s known doctors have emphasized the significant health benefits of fasting while
advising people to be mindful of their diet during Ramzan. They urged fasting individuals
to avoid fried and spicy foods, opting instead for light and nutritious meals to maintain
their energy levels and overall well-being.
Speaking to APP, Nishtar University’s Dean of Medicine and Head of Pediatrics,
Prof Dr Azam Khan, PMA President Professor Dr. Masood ur Rauf Haraj, and
Gastroenterologist Dr. Tanveer Malik highlighted the importance of food choices
for “sehr and iftar”.
Professor Dr Azam Khan stressed that since fasting alters regular eating patterns,
the body’s energy levels rely heavily on food intake. Many people, he noted, lack
awareness about selecting the right foods to sustain energy throughout the day.
He pointed out a common trend where people consume excessive fried and spicy
foods, such as “pakoras and samosas”, at iftar. Instead, he recommended light
and easily digestible meals to prevent health complications caused by a sudden
shift in dietary habits. He also advised diabetics to avoid sugary and artificially
colored drinks, emphasizing the need for adequate hydration by consuming two
to three liters of water between iftar and sehr.
Prof Dr. Masood Haraj highlighted the critical role of sehri”in preparing the body
for fasting. He recommended a balanced diet rich in proteins, carbohydrates,
vitamins, and minerals to sustain energy levels throughout the day. He suggested
including dairy product like yogurt, along with fresh vegetables, fruits, and eggs.
Whole grains such as wheat bread and cereals, he noted, release energy gradually,
helping individuals stay active. He further advised against fried foods, recommending
fruit, dates, and water for iftar instead. While occasional indulgence in fried snacks
may be acceptable in normal routines, he cautioned against daily consumption
throughout Ramzan, as it can have adverse effects on health.
Gastroenterologist Dr Tanveer Malik addressed concerns about weight gain despite
fasting. He explained that excessive intake of fried foods at iftar leads to fat accumulation,
increasing risks of high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes.
He urged diabetic
patients to consult their doctors regarding medication adjustments, while hypertension
patients should strictly avoid salty and fried foods.
From a medical perspective, he stressed fasting allows the digestive system to rest,
contributing to its overall well-being. However, he warned that overeating at sehri and iftar,
coupled with the consumption of rich and spicy foods, places extra strain on the stomach,
often leading to digestive issues. He also criticized the habit of consuming heavy, oily foods
in suhoor, such as butter-laden “parathas and lassi”, only to sleep immediately after.
This practice, he explained, results in sluggishness throughout the day.
Dr Tanveer Malik advised that breaking the fast with dates, a practice rooted in Islamic
tradition, is beneficial as they provide instant energy. Natural fruit juices offer similar
benefits. He cautioned against excessive use of spices in iftar, reminding individuals
to eat mindfully, keeping in mind that they will need to eat again at sehr.
Prof Dr. Azam Khan acknowledged that while fasting offers numerous health benefits,
individuals with pre-existing conditions must take precautions. Patients with high blood
pressure should avoid excessive salt and fat, while diabetic individuals who do not require
insulin can fast with dietary caution and regular blood sugar monitoring. He added that
in some cases, fasting may even aid in managing diabetes and heart conditions, but
medical consultation is essential before making such decisions. Patients with kidney
disease should be cautious with protein intake and excessive water consumption, while
those with high uric acid should avoid red meat and certain leafy greens. Individuals with
stomach ulcers should be aware that prolonged fasting can increase acidity levels,
though many can manage fasting with proper medication.
The experts collectively emphasized that adopting a balanced diet during Ramzan is vital.
They urged individuals to focus on nutrient-rich foods that provide sustained energy, remain
hydrated, and avoid overindulgence in rich, fried, or excessively salty meals. Proper dietary
habits, they noted, would not only ensure physical well-being but also enhance the spiritual
experience of fasting.