Govt. Planning To Deal With Emergency Situations In Line With Modern Age Requirements: CM

Govt. Planning To Deal With Emergency Situations In Line With Modern Age Requirements: CM

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 13th Oct, 2024) Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif said on Sunday in her message on International Day for Disaster Reduction that awareness, preparedness and effective planning are very much needed to deal with natural disasters.

She said the Punjab government is planning to deal with emergency situations in line with the requirements of modern age to ensure protection of people.” She highlighted,”The launch of Air Ambulance and Motorway Ambulance Services in Punjab is a major step in this regard.

The Chief Minister said,”PDMA is being developed on modern lines. Control rooms of the institutions concerned are being upgraded to deal with emergency situations. Steps have also been taken to deal with climate change.”

She added,”We are making people safe by taking effective measures before the onslaught of disasters.

Community partnership and awareness campaigns play a key role in best disaster management. We want to give a safe and stable future to the coming generations by reducing risks of natural disasters.”

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