French Parliament Approves Bill To Rein In Tourist Rentals

French Parliament Approves Bill To Rein In Tourist Rentals

Paris, (APP – UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 7th Nov, 2024) The French parliament on Thursday approved a bill aimed at tightening the regulation of tourist accommodation such as Airbnb to combat the shortage of affordable housing.

France is the second-largest market for Airbnb, with listings in more than 29,000 towns and cities in the country.

The National Assembly lower house adopted the legislation by a large majority, with the far right voting against.

The bill — the result of a compromise between the two houses of French parliament — had been unanimously approved by the upper house Senate on Tuesday.

Airbnb said it regretted the new restrictions because of their impact on hosts, although it expected no major effect on its own business.

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