Drop In Crop Prices Caused Financial Losses In 2024, Claim Farmers

Drop In Crop Prices Caused Financial Losses In 2024, Claim Farmers

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 5th Jan, 2025) The Sindh Abadgar Board, a farmers’ lobbying group, has claimed that the farmers in the province suffered financial losses on the account of lowered crop prices in 2024.

A meeting of the board, chaired by Mahmood Nawaz Shah at the board’s office, claimed that hot weather, expensive inputs and the government’s price de-regulation policy triggered a drop in the prices, said a press release issued on Sunday.

The farmers pointed out that they had sold cotton crops for Rs7,000 to Rs10,000 in 2023 but the prices reduced to between Rs7,000 to Rs8,000 in 2024.

They added that the rice crop witnessed a decrease in the rates which varied from Rs2,400 to Rs2,800 in 2024 against Rs3,000 to Rs3,400 in 2023.

They claimed that the wheat farmers also saw a drastic cut in the rates from up to Rs4,100 per maund in 2023 to Rs2,800 to Rs3,400 in the last year.

The growers earned around Rs400 per maund by selling sugarcane to the sugar industries in 2024 but the rate was higher at Rs425 in 2023.

The meeting said the provincial government should have consulted with the stakeholders before implementing the deregulation of prices.

Syed Nadeem Shah, Muhammad Malook Nizamani, Imran Bozdar, Ahsan Arbab, Yar Muhammad Laghari, Mustafa Nawaz Shah and other farmers’ representatives attended the meeting.

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