District Admin Confiscates Over 600kg Plastic Bags

District Admin Confiscates Over 600kg Plastic Bags

KHANEWAL, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 14th Sep, 2024) The district administration confiscated over 600-kilogramme plastic bags after a ban was imposed by the Punjab government on single-use plastic and shopping bags with a thickness of less than 75 microns.

Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Ali Bukhari said that the teams were strictly monitoring across the district.

He said that Rs 44,000 fine was also imposed on shopkeepers over violation.

He urged the citizens and shopkeepers to avoid use of shopping bags.

Meanwhile, Assistant Commissioner Sunbal Javed along with Deputy Director Environment Sarfraz Anjum conducted a raid at Al-Jannat Road. They inspected the polythene wholesale and dealers shops and confiscated 38 kg prohibited polythene bags from Haji and sons plastic store.

DC directed the ACs to launch crackdown and tighten noose against shopkeepers involved in sale and purchase of plastic bags.

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