Breach In Bahawalpur’s Canal Causes Flash Flood

Breach In Bahawalpur’s Canal Causes Flash Flood

BAHAWALPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 8th Aug, 2024) Breach occurred in a canal in Ahmadpur East area of Bahawalpur district have caused flash flood, inundating standing crops and entering houses of people.

Reports reaching here suggested that a 15-foot wide breach occurred in L-6 canal passing through Ahmadpur East area which started to inundate standing crops. The breach spread to 50 feet wide, causing flash flood in the area. “Earlier, flash flood inundated standing crops near village Roshan and other areas and later it engulfed nearby villages, entering houses of people,” they said.

Sources in the Irrigation Department and the district management said that although local people made efforts to fill the breach, however, it had damaged standing crops spread on hundreds of acres land including cotton crops, maze crops and others.

The teams and machinery from the Irrigation Department and the district management have also reached the area to participate in rescue and relief operation.

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