Ben Affleck gets honest about critics

Ben Affleck gets honest about critics

Ben Affleck gets honest about critics
Ben Affleck gets honest about critics

Critics and actors have a complex relationship, and Ben Affleck is no exception.

In his previous interview with Esquire, the Oscar winner reflected on the reviews his divisive Batman v Superman received.

“I can understand people saying [Batman v Superman] was too dark, or this was outside the tone of what I’m used to seeing with a Batman story, and I think that’s a fair criticism.”

Besides this, Ben appeared to show no excitement when his film Gone Baby Gone was well-received by critics.

“I’m a great believer in the need for and value of honest critics,” the Argo star told Rotten Tomatoes.

“And I think some are good and honest and some are, you know, less so. But I also think that no matter what it is that you do for a job — whether you’re a writer, or you work in any kind of capacity whatsoever — you know when you’ve done something well and when you’ve done it poorly.”

He added, “You don’t need someone else to tell you,” noting, “You know if you’ve accomplished it. And sometimes if you know you’ve done it poorly.”

“And someone else tells you you’ve done it well, you go, ‘Oh, that’s good!’ But you know deep down. Conversely, it’s aggravating, because you think, ‘No, you’re wrong because this is actually this or that,’” Ben concluded.

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