Turkish Stock Exchange Up At Thursday Open

Turkish Stock Exchange Up At Thursday Open

ISTANBUL, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 6th Feb, 2025) Türkiye’s benchmark stock index opened Thursday at 9,782.85 points, up 0.65% or 63.04 points from the previous close.

On Wednesday, Borsa Istanbul’s BIST 100 index dropped 0.89% to close the day at 9,719.

81 points, with a daily transaction volume of 104.1 billion liras ($2.90 billion).

The USD/TRY exchange rate was 35.9280 as of 09.55 am (0655GMT), the EUR/TRY rate stood at 37.4065, and the GBP/TRY traded at 44.8555.

The price of one ounce of gold was $2,859.90 and the price of Brent crude oil was around $74.66 per barrel.

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