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Ryan Reynolds expands his ‘soccer empire’

Ryan Reynolds expands his ‘soccer empire’

Ryan Reynolds expands his soccer empire
Ryan Reynolds expands his ‘soccer empire’

Ryan Reynolds has already invested in not one but two football clubs: Wrexham AFC and Necaxa.

Now, he, along with a group of mostly celebrities, bought the Colombian football team La Equidad.

In this group, Eva Longoria, Kate Upton, baseball player Justin Verlander, and former NBA star Shawn Marion were included, along with real estate investor Al Tylis and football executive Sam Porter.

The club did not release the purchase’s financial details; on its social media, it posted, “This is the first step toward a future full of opportunities. Al Tylis and Sam Porter not only have extensive experience in the sports world, but they also have the support of recognized figures such as Eva Longoria, Rob McElhenney, Ryan Reynolds, Justin Verlander, Kate Upton, Shawn Marion, and Scott Galloway.”

La Equidad is based in Bogoto, Colombia’s capital. It was founded in 1982, and the last season of the 20-team league came on the 13th.

The purchase comes after Justin Baldoni sued Blake Lively and Ryan for $400 million, alleging defamation and extortion.

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