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Travis, Jason Kelce share hilarious gift they gave Donna every year

Travis, Jason Kelce share hilarious gift they gave Donna every year

Travis, Jason Kelce share hilarious gift they gave Donna every year
Travis, Jason Kelce share hilarious gift they gave Donna every year

Travis and Jason Kelce used to give their mom the same gift every year on Christmas as kids.

During the recent episode of their podcast New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce, the Kelce brothers revealed the iconic gift they would give their mother on Christmas.

“Mom, Donna Kelce, had to deal with Christmas upon Christmas of the same gifts,” Jason said on the podcast, which also featured his wife Kylie Kelce as a special guest on this episode.

Kylie, who is currently expecting her fourth child with Jason, quickly chimed in, “earrings and candles.”

Jason reminded one more thing “pistachio nuts,” completing the trio of repetitive gifts.

However at one point mama Kelce kindly suggested they mix things up, Jason recalled.

He shared, “She said, ‘You guys don’t have to get me the same thing every Christmas.'”

“Yeah, but what do you get a mom that has everything she ever needs?” Travis humorously added.

During last week’s episode, Travis and Jason revealed that their dad Ed Kelce used to take a second job around holidays to buy them gifts.

“So, Dad would take the second job in order to buy gifts for Travis and I because he needed more money around the holidays to buy the gifts that Travis and I were asking for,” Jason said during the podcast.

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