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Man Murdered In Broad Daylight In Mujahat Village

Man Murdered In Broad Daylight In Mujahat Village

HAVELIAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 24th Dec, 2024) A man was killed in a broad daylight attack in Mujahat village, an area under the jurisdiction of Havelian Police Station.

The victim, Gul Khitab, had returned to his ancestral village from Abbottabad to tend to his land when he was ambushed and fatally shot by rivals.

Gul Khitab Khan, son of Mohabbat Khan, was attacked by opponents who opened fire, killing him instantly.

The assailants, reportedly relatives of Shahbaz Khan, son of Ali Akbar, fled the scene after the incident.

Shahbaz Khan, a resident of Mujahat, had previously been implicated in the murder of Gulshtasaf Khan, son of Aslam, which occurred approximately two years ago. The victim’s family has alleged that the latest killing is a consequence of the ongoing feud between the rival groups.

Police have launched an investigation and are actively working to apprehend the suspects involved in the murder.

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