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Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie share details of filming together after 17 years

Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie share details of filming together after 17 years

Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie share details of filming together after 17 years
Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie share details of filming together after 17 years

Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie reunite after 17 years, with a new project Paris & Nicole: The Encore.

For the project, which premiered on December 12, Paris and Nicole decided to do something completely out of their comfort zones.

Speaking with PEOPLE magazine, Nicole said, “We wanted to throw ourselves into a world that we are completely unfamiliar with as a nod to The Simple Life. We definitely wanted to be on our feet and we wanted to laugh.”

In the series, the duo attempt to turn a childhood song, Sanasa, into an opera with Nicole revealing that it all “started out as a joke and then, became very serious, very fast.”

Nicole went on to say, “the clock was ticking and time was running out, and we definitely had some real sit-down moments where we’d be on the phone at 9:00, 10:00 at night being like, ‘How are we going to do this?'”

Additionally, Paris talked about returning to Arkansas for the show, where the duo filmed The Simple Life years ago.

Paris said, “It was so much fun just to go on this adventure together again, going back to Arkansas and visiting the family that we stayed with and just all of the people that we worked different jobs for.”

“It was just really great to go back and see how much we touched that little town and how much it meant to them. It was really cool to feel that energy. It was really nice,” she added further.

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