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Why Princess Diana ‘dreaded’ Christmas lunches with Royals

Why Princess Diana ‘dreaded’ Christmas lunches with Royals

Princess Diana reportedly had formed a habit of leaving Royal Family Christmas lunch after the food was served.

The former Princess of Wales, refrained from making contact with the rest of the guests and often exited the venue after greeting everybody.

Former Royal photographer Arthur Edwards told The Sun: “For many years, our Queen Camilla, she would leave after [Christmas] lunch and go and spend time with her own family down in Wiltshire.”

Meanwhile, Royal expert Ingrid Seward added: “Well Diana used to leave after lunch.

“When things were really not going at all well, she was to dread these royal family Christmases.

“And sometimes she escaped even before lunch and just did the church.” 

Arthur added: “Not always but a few times I remember yes, I remember her passing me on the motorway coming back once.”

Another source named Richard Dalton told author Kitty Kelly for her book The Royals: “The princess just hated going to Sandringham for Christmas.”

Richard continued: “She told me it was freezing cold and dinner had to be over by 3 o’clock. 

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