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Tom Brady chooses being ‘single’ after Gisele Bundchen ‘shock:’ Source

Tom Brady chooses being ‘single’ after Gisele Bundchen ‘shock:’ Source

Photo: Tom Brady chooses being single after Gisele Bundchen shock: Source
Photo: Tom Brady chooses being ‘single’ after Gisele Bundchen ‘shock:’ Source

Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady have reportedly moved on from their divorce.

As per the latest findings of Radaronline.com, the former NFL player was deeply “stung” when he came across the news that Gisele was expecting a child with Joaquim Valante.

“Tom would love to date more but he is busy,” claimed the source.

The source went on to address, “And very focused on his first year of being a commentator,” adding, “It is easier to be single right now,” after which they resigned from the chat.

Previously, a source spilled the beans and said that Gisele’s news has impacted Tom’s showmanship skills.

“He’s finding the transition from star quarterback to TV pundit a lot harder than he thought it would be,” addressed the insider.

In conclusion, the spy pointed out, “And Gisele’s October surprise really piled it on!” after which they moved on to a new chat.

It is pertinent to mention that Tom’s latest gig was reportedly inspired by the New Heights podcast, hosted by Travis Kelce and his brother Jason. 

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