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‘Days of Our Lives’ actor Wayne Northrop breathes his last at 77

‘Days of Our Lives’ actor Wayne Northrop breathes his last at 77

Days of Our Lives actor Wayne Northrop breathes his last at 77
‘Days of Our Lives’ actor Wayne Northrop breathes his last at 77

Wayne Northrop, best known for his roles in Days of Our Lives and Dynasty, has passed away after losing his battle with Alzheimer’s disease.

According to People magazine, the actor breathed his last in Los Angeles on Friday at the Motion Picture and Television Woodland Hills Home. He was 77.

After Wayne’s passing, his wife, actress Lynn Herring Northrop, released a statement in which he thanked Motion Picture Home for taking care of her husband.

“He took his last breath in the arms of his family,” she shared in the statement.

“We wish to thank the most caring and amazing place, the Motion Picture and Television Home for taking such great care of him,” Lynn continued.

she added that “Wayne touched so many people with his sense of humor and wit. A husband for 43 years, the best dad ever to his two boys, Hank and Grady, and a rancher who loved his cows and was a friend to many.”

For those unversed, Wanye, who played the role of detective Roman Brady on NBC’s Days of Our Lives, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s six years ago.

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