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Tim Burton, Johnny Depp reunion on the cards?

Tim Burton, Johnny Depp reunion on the cards?

Tim Burton, Johnny Depp reunion on the cards?
Tim Burton, Johnny Depp reunion on the cards?

Tim Burton and Johnny Depp have been frequent collaborators as they belted out several hit films together.

So, when the director said they would team-up in the future, fans must take this as a strong hint of a partnership.

When asked about the possibility of working together at the Marrakech International Film Festival, the famed filmmaker said, “Well, I’m sure there will be.”

“I never feel like, ‘Oh, I’m going to use this and that actor.’ It usually has to be based on the project I’m working on. That’s what film is all about. It’s collaboration and bouncing ideas off the people around you,” the Beetlejuice director noted as the pair last worked on Dark Shadows, released in 2012.

Elsewhere in the interview, Tim ruled out the sequel to Edward Scissorhands. “There are certain films I don’t want to make a sequel to,” the Academy-nominated director said. “I didn’t want to make a sequel to that because it felt like a one-off thing.”

“I didn’t want to have a sequel for ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ because it also felt like a one-off thing. Certain things are best left on their own, and that for me is one of them,” the 66-year-old said.

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