6 Arrested Over Smog SOPs Violations

6 Arrested Over Smog SOPs Violations

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 7th Dec, 2024) Nine cases were registered, six violators were arrested, and fines exceeding Rs. 884,000 were imposed on 526 offenders over violation of the standard operating procedures to control smog in the province.

A police spokesperson said on Saturday that eight violations were reported for burning crop residue and 427 violations for excessive smoke-emitting vehicles. This year, under the anti-smog crackdown, a total of 3,272 offenders have been arrested, 3,783 cases registered, 7,568 individuals issued warnings, and fines exceeding Rs.

100.3 million imposed on 40,943 violators.

The violations include 2,070 instances of crop residue burning, 35,280 for excessive smoke-emitting vehicles, 364 for industrial activities, 1,410 for brick kilns, and 360 for other locations. In the past 24 hours, challans were issued to 4,981 vehicles emitting excessive smoke, and 362 vehicles were impounded. This year, challans have been issued to 890,707 vehicles, 172,738 vehicles have been impounded, and fitness certificates of 10,112 vehicles have been suspended.

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