Amanda Seyfried gets honest about ‘Jennifer’s Body’

Amanda Seyfried gets honest about ‘Jennifer’s Body’

Amanda Seyfried gets honest about Jennifers Body
Amanda Seyfried gets honest about ‘Jennifer’s Body’

Amanda Seyfried has warm words for her film Jennifer’s Body — except for one thing: its marketing.

During an interview with Variety, she said, “I can’t critique this movie; to me, it’s perfect. It’s got balls. [Screenwriter] Diablo Cody was outspoken and beautiful and smart and funny.”

“We were expressing a certain angst in a very specific, comedic way in a very specific genre,” she continued. 

“The special effects were so incredible, there were stunts, there was everything you could want.If the critics criticize anything, it would be the marketing. The marketing sucked, it just did. And we all agree.”

“The marketing team cheapened it like it was just a gory romp,” the actress added. “I think they ruined it, and I think Karyn and Diablo were a really good team.”

“I love Needy. It was the first time I got to play really nerdy, wearing the glasses. Megan got to turn into a demon, it was awesome. We all just had a lot of fun, so I wanna celebrate it by doing a sequel,” Amanda concluded.

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